Wednesday, October 30, 2013

my flaws

I over-think everything, lack confidence, and am reckless in my personal life. I tend to procrastinate and be a perfectionist.

I am too honest*, and too just and fair as I will weigh every side down to the last gram and then dissect the baby.

* I once answered that at a job interview when asked my flaws and he sourly replied, "Honesty is a plus."

I said, "I can be TOO honest, and in the wrong situations."

He said, "Must be another problem, honesty is never a flaw."

The mood never recovered.

Walking to my car across asphalt I realized, "I should have lied."

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dylan Ray Three Irons

Stories abound across the Internet about Dylan Ray Three Irons.

Three Irons was among four inmates who escaped from an Oklahoma county jail while awaiting transfer to a state prison. Many have remarked on the name, Dylan Ray Three Irons, including a sports website -- in their Golf sectionMan Named Dylan Ray Three Irons Escapes Oklahoma Jail, Is Recaptured

I don't want to play anymore

The world exists. A human is born. Many humans already exist, and all on the planet is already possesed. Facing death and starvation, the human creates more for the humans that already own everything and is given a morsel of food so as to survive another day and return the next day to create more profit for the humans that already own everything.

The humans are playing Monopoly. All the property is owned. As many times as a new human goes around the board and collects $200 there is no escaping the fact that the owners of all the property get the new player's $200 in short order. If all profits go to the owners, and all property is already owned, then those who own nothing shouldn't play.

This is where we are at, and that is how many feel; "I don't want to play anymore." Creating new squares where profits, rents, will be divided between the owners and the workers, who do ALL the work, is the bare minimum of fairness. Otherwise it is merely slow murder.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Been gone too long … so much to do

The psychic thrashing I took at actually took quite a toll on me and made me re-evalute my overall course of action. I am interested in just about everything and have a fair amount of talents and end up jumping from one thing to another in cycles over days and weeks and even years. I probably have ADHD or whatever, but I'm old and out of school now, so fuck it.

My creative mood curled up and retreated and I seriously considered that I may never be a successful "professional author." Sure, I worked for years as a reporter, and years as an editor, but I never leveraged that into selling books. And now time grows slim and the bucket list grows fat and I must believe that there are things that will remain undone.

Here is my sanctum. Here, on this page, alone in a room I can quietly write. One day there may be visitors and I may eventually have to speak to somebody, but that is far away.

TO DO for here - link list categories.

1. Equitable Principles - worker democracy, et al.

2. Writing, blogging, fiction, nonfiction, art

3. Biz, legal and financial

4. Film and video

4a. RC Aviation

5. Errata

… will refine tomorrow

Monday, August 5, 2013

"Casual Critique" - only bleeding a little

I had written a few chapters of a book, and abandoned that book. Years later I tried to write another book, that one in first person and very introspective, and I had used the first chapter of the first book within the first chapter of the second book. That chapter, now years old, was my first submission to a local writers group called Casual Critique.

It was widely despised. One said she stopped reading after a few pages, while another said the chapter within the chapter might be salvageable. Ten years ago it seemed quite deep to me, while now I would agree with the group that the first-person parts are self-indulgent and tedious. The suggestion that I try to salvage the first book is interesting, because I do think there was a better story in my original book than the introspective and self-deprecating crap.

Now I must think about whether I will ever be a fiction writer at all. Given my current concerns perhaps I should write non-fiction. Or perhaps write fiction as a release from the real-world stress. Either way, I'm probably shelving the introspective angle. As one group member put it, "Leave that for your journal, not a novel."

The whole thing reminds me how exhausting spending an hour listening to people critiquing your work can be. And I feel that I should write a lengthy post about all the things I learned, and the way forward, but I'm exhausted.

I'm glad they trashed it though. That was way too unworkable and I can now just let it quietly die.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Many projects, many thoughts

I have so many projects in my mind that my thoughts often get sidetracked from what I was originally doing by something else I need to be doing. Heck, I myself get confused. Since this is a low traffic site, at the moment, I thought I would use this blog as a tool, I am going to view this blog as an opportunity to help get my thoughts organized.

So, Mike, What are your projects, goals, and the steps needed to accomplish those goals.

Well, Mike, I'm glad you ask, because I was thinking along those same lines …
Overall, my projects are all inter-related so they are tough to separate, and that is a recurring theme, that we humans are complex creatures and our emotional side affects our mental and emotional aspects, as well as our outward social and financial selves. But let's just start with the big goal, Hometown Hero.

Hometown Hero

End goal: Franchise of employee owned restaurants.

   People & suppliers
   Customers and clients
   Corporate structure and legal
   Network of supporters
   Advertising (and TV & documentary film)

Then implementation, and done...

Note to self: I need to get across the interconnectedness of political power and economic power. Money controls the message and the people listen to the message. If a person makes 50,000 working for big corporation, then it can be assumed that person also created 50,000 for big corporation. Say ten percent goes to lobbying for corporation to screw person over …

If you buy from McDonalds, they will spend some of the money they got from you to lobby for lower wages.
If you work for McDonalds, they will spend some of the money you made them to lobby for lower wages.

So, eating, or working, for any large corporation, is an economic, and political, action. And you are expressing that you feel that large corporations should exploit workers, and keep ALL of the profits (rather than it being equitably divided between labor and capital) and further, you are wholeheartedly acquiescing to the fact that those profits will be promptly shipped out of your community, and off to big corporation headquarters, and then to Wall Street, and on to the one-percenters who own big corporation.

OK, back to what I was originally doing ...

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Getting organized

Now that I'm back into blogging, I've been visiting more blogs and investigating my old blogs. Apparently I've got a couple of blogs here, and a couple of blogs there, and I kept starting blogs that would reflect a specific aspect of thought, or a specific issue.

So that's what I should, and am going to, create on the menu on the left; instead of a list of "local" blogs, I'm going to list my (active) blogs.

Keeping a blog going is more work than one might think. I was at a critique group last week and I brought up the topic of self-publishing a book, and one member said, "Sure, if you're willing to write a blog, and keep it going, and build a following, then you could go that route …"

From my fractured mind I thought of specialization of labor, and then the contemporary need to write and promote and market and design books, and videos, and websites and everything else under the sun, and that in a way we are returning to older ways where an individual needed to be able to make candles as well as being literate. It is not enough to have ideas, communication is also necessary, and contemporary communication requires vastly more than the capability to speak.

So, that was a long-winded way of saying that my commitment to writing this blog is actually a commitment to keep writing this blog. Plus, it is a commitment to integrating this blog with other aspects of my life. I actually started one blog called "Fractured Realities," though I think that one no longer exists at all.

So, committing to writing this blog is more than even just committing to writing this blog. Me committing to writing this blog is me committing to be a blogger. That means committing to keep writing, and committing to getting a little more organized, and committing to integrate and market my blogs, and to, so to say, build a platform, and so, so much more.

It reminds me of something else I wrote. I was writing about writing, about writing a self-aware story, so to say. And it seemed as though I could write a short paragraph but could then write paragraphs explaining each sentence of the first paragraph. Every sentence written contains volumes of information. A simple sentence like "I'm going to write a blog" actually means a million things.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Death of Grey Wolf

I was over at James Altucher's blog and wanted to comment on his most recent post, "How to Self-Publish a Bestseller: Publishing 3.0," and Disqus insisted on using my Google profile of "Grey Wolf", while I wanted to post as myself (so as to let Altucher know who I was, to build another string in my "network.") Even after deleting my old Disqus account, and making sure that I was myself in Google, Disqus still insisted on using "Grey Wolf"
So I deleted Grey Wolf. And it saddened me. I understand that my Grey Wolf avatar was decades old, and it was from a time when we skulked around the Internet "anonymously," while now we, of necessity, must publicize ourselves, our brand, to the world. Call me sentimental.

Anyway, I have a great interest in writing, and possibly publishing a book, so I found Altucher's recent article very interesting. I guess that is the real reason I started this blog--to build my "brand". So, out of the closet comes Mike and into the dustbin of history goes Grey Wolf. I shed a tear.

But, while we are on the subject of self-publishing, I should also mention two other sites that I found useful information at. One was "Adventures In Digital Writing, Publishing & Marketing" and another was an article called "Nathan Barry Explains How His Very 1st Book Sold $12k on Day One". Both offered free guides and both required that you enter an email address, and then confirm by replying to an email, before you could get their self-publishing guide, or tips.

Apparently, I need to whip up some little pamphlet to offer readers and to build a huge base so that I can sell $12k worth of books on day one. Also, I have to have multiple blogs and websites (you remember me mentioning, don't you? ;-) and I have to cross-post articles on more popular websites (such as Grey Wolf ranting about "Creating a Community-Sustaining Economy" over at … at least I am still the "anonymous" Grey Wolf over at MyFireDogLake!)

I feel like such a shill. I remember a friend once saying, "In Europe people have friends, here everyone is a business associate." That is so damn true. Here in the US we are all becoming "brands" and have to "sell" ourselves and network and … Well, you get the idea.

And you probably are getting the idea that I am starting to despise myself, or at least despise what I apparently have to do to survive here in the US. And I just recently graduated from law school and can already envision myself doing one of those damn TV commercials, that I despise, claiming that I can help you out of a legal jam, or that I can increase you business profits.

Altucher has sold a lot of copies of his recent self-published book, "Choose Yourself," but I really am not sure if I like myself. I liked Grey Wolf, and I liked being Grey Wolf, even if it was a flimsy facade that was easily pierced. Altucher, and others, have commented on thinking about your dreams, and what you dreamed of doing when you grew to be an adult, and maybe even chasing that dream. I remember I had read Jack London's "Call of the Wild" as a child and my biggest dream was always to run off to the Yukon and to leave civilization behind. I never dreamed of being a lawyer, or networking.

And I have to stop typing now because I can't stop crying.

RIP, Grey Wolf, I loved you.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I just read one of the most amazing "articles" concerning human actions and psychology.

Quora had an option to post to your blog [my blog] but it just created a page there at Quora.

So, here's a direct link, and a bit of an excerpt, to Diane Meriwether's answer to: The Big Philosophical Questions: Why do certain people derive pleasure from doing cruel things to their fellow human beings?

 Diane MeriwetherKinder than necessary

Evil is suffering passed to someone else. 
When I was two, my mother broke my arm because I couldn't stop crying.
Part One -- suffering in 
In the early 1960s childhood beatings were called accidents. My mother had dreamed of having children, but she struggled with rage.  Looking back now, I know she was horrified and ashamed by what she had done. 
To my mother, evil was something that made her feel bad, after my broken arm that something was me.  It eased her discomfort to believe that she was only responding to my true nature.  She was a victim, if you will, of her child's darkness.  She was able to convince each or her four children, including me, of this "truth" and disastrous consequences curse my family to this day. 
And yet, I am quite lucky.  
Part Two -- suffering out 
When I was about four, my father found me in the backyard killing insects.  He told me later that he saw some joy in my body language, some delight in my eyes that frightened him and he tried to imagine what his father would have done.   He sat down near me and saying nothing, he started looking at one of the bugs I'd smashed.  Soon I came over to see what he was doing.   
"Look," he said, "Where do you think he was going?"
I squatted beside him and looked.  
"His mommy is very busy with the other little bugs at home," he said.  He told me a story about a little bug who was always getting in trouble, but this morning his mommy trusted him to go to the store for her.  She gave him a quarter and told him to bring home a loaf of bread.  
"Is she waiting for him?"  I wanted to know.   
"I imagine she is," he said. 
I started to cry.  I sat in his lap and sobbed and hiccupped and cried again. I covered his shirt in tears. ...

Read the full "article":  Kinder than necessary

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Writing and reading

I went to a event I found yesterday, a group called the "Casual Critique Group" which meets every Monday at a local chain restaurant. They were a small group, three women and one guy, that I almost didn't find. I saw the bald/shaven head of Matt, the organizer, and approached and said, of course, "Are you Matt?" They were all younger than me and they still have dreams and aspirations, so that was refreshing.

So today I am trying to think about some of the things we talked about after the critique of a short-story ended. I had mentioned self-publishing, and blogs, and the relationship between them, and today I read James Altucher's blog, which was the normal "just believe in yourself and follow your dreams and you'll become fabulously successful" pablum, which is getting rather monotonous and has gone beyond sickly-sweet, but I still read because it gets me rolling, and he can occasionally just be a good writer.

Anyway, I still have my old avatar, Grey Wolf, here, (which I contemplate changing but it reminds me of the "old" days, so I leave the avatar for sentimental reasons,) and I noticed that interests and location were actual links, and I clicked on "Rabbits". That took me to a page that listed others who had "Rabbits" as an interest. Those two people actually love rabbits, whereas I had put rabbits as a joke, implying that I am a wolf and eat rabbits.

Well, from there I had to click on the "Charleston" link and viewed the thousands of other bloggers who had their location as Charleston. And now I've decided to at least list a few of those that seem interesting in a new sidebar.

I found "WHAT I GET FOR A BUCK 75" somewhat amusing. A girl, who I think might be named Rachel, has been writing a blog giving summaries of crap she experiences riding the local bus. First off, I love her photo, where she has this grimace-type smile, and then here no-nonsense writing sealed the deal. She hasn't posted since April so I may leave a comment just to rouse her and see what she if she is still around …

Another blog I noticed was a painter … I was a decent artist twenty years ago and, based on the prices on his website, I should have stayed the course there, rather than going to law school …

So, just following up on my interests (writing and art, not rabbits, you silly goose) I have expanded my horizons. Obviously I  should "just believe in myself and follow my dreams and I'll become fabulously successful." Yeah, and I'll be eating rabbit tonight for dinner.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Making headway

I just posted over at Equitable Principles, and, just for today, I am going to paste my post from there to here:

Making headway

I thought I’d just pop in to say hello. As you can see we have been doing some housekeeping around here. The site layout has changed to WordPress and I’m slowly populating the pages. I just tested that I could make a comment and the approval process, so that is out of the way. Things are actually starting to look better around here. 
I need to add a few more static pages other than the “About” page. Off the top of my head I think I should add static pages for the three main types of structure of equitable corporations: profit-sharing, ESOPs, and Co-ops. Other than that I need to add links for supportive organizations and existing equitable corporations. 
This is going to be a long road and these things will get done, I’m just glad to get the majority of the website setup out of the way and have the framework in place to build upon. Right now I need to figure out how to get this page into my Google Analytics …

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Moving Forward, My Way

I just graduated law school and am, of course, searching for a job and studying for the bar exam. The job hunt is frustrating and I have decided to add a new angle. I've heard advice that you need to be "out there" and, following this advice in the digital world meant to me starting a website. So I've basically decided that this blog will deal with all the loose ends, and that I would start a new website where I can concentrate on my obsession.

And, so, was born. I've got the website basically up and running, but will be working at it daily to get it acceptable. I must admit that I was influenced some by James Altucher and his latest book, Choose Yourself. I am obsessed by employee-ownership and equitable capitalism, and everybody always advises to follow your heart, chase your dream, do what you love, etc, etc.

So, for me, to be "out there" and for me to "choose myself" involves me becoming an advocate for equitable principles. This is who I am. I respect Nucor and Publix and Raycom Media and want to advocate for these companies, and for their equitable principles.

There are plenty of companies I could denigrate, but I will not. I would rather praise the good than damn the bad. So that is my "day job" now --- praise the good rather than damn the bad.

I don't know how, but I believe this path will create opportunity and allow me to also be happy. I will only work for an organization that has ethics and follows equitable principles. Of course, it is possible that I will fail, or get hit by a bus tomorrow, but at least I can say I did it my way.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Economic justice

So I'm not fond of blogs but yet am writing a blog.

Obviously we often have to do things in life that we aren't fond of in order to get where we want to go. I am fond of the Internet, and I do cherish the fact that the information of the world lays before us, and I do read a number of blogs. Perhaps I was just expressing that I'm just not fond of the chaos that is life.

For instance, I try to form thoughts that are related to my previous thoughts, but that is not required with blogs. I could be writing about any topic, and probably should move to another topic so as not to be pigeon-holed. And, since the first few posts are just to establish this blog, I should briefly introduce topics that I will be discussing.

I am intensely concerned with justice, though not the type you might imagine. I am intensely concerned with economic justice. Economics professors and pundits have said that capitalism is a partnership between labor and capital, but that is just untrue. That's like saying slavery was a partnership between slaves and slave owners.

Humans require an incentive to perform labor. Whether it is a whip or a wage, an incentive is required to transform a human into labor. So a wage is just the barest incentive to make a human into a laborer. So, from the majority of capitalist institution's point-of-view, in this partnership between capital and labor, capital is entitled to all of the profits and labor is entitled to no reward other than being allowed to continue to exist, same as any other slave.

Basically, justice would require an equitable distribution of the profits of a corporation to be divided between capital and labor.  Rather than discussing the vast majority of companies that primarily profit from the exploitation of labor, I prefer to focus on the points of light.

Nucor is one such point-of-light, because Nucor has a profit-sharing structure written into the company's corporate papers of organization. Nucor is an example of equitable capitalism. Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) and co-ops sidestep the issue of equitable distribution by having the workers actually be the owners and therefor the workers reap the profits of the enterprise.

While I admire ESOPs and co-ops, I still can not understand how most companies get away with raping their employees. Equitable distribution is a phrase often used in divorce proceedings. A marriage is a partnership, and if one partner provides capital, earns a wage in other words, and the other partner provides labor, like shopping for food and cooking it, both partners are entitled to equal shares of the capital and the fruits of the labor.

When the partners divorce, the partner who provided labor is entitled to half of the capital. Imagine one was to say, "No, you have eaten your meals and have slept in our bed, so you have consumed your benefits already so you should just leave with the clothes on your back." Such a position would be unjust and create outrage, yet that is the exact position that corporations take regarding employees. The employees have eaten their meals and were allowed to exist, why should they be entitled to half of the profits they created? Because human justice requires equitable distribution, and a civilized society requires equitable capitalism.

That is what I work for, equitable capitalism, so that one day I may say that I live in a civilized society.

Friday, June 28, 2013

I Hate Blogs

Sonny Boy Williamson

Call me a luddite, but this isn't "progress".

I was watching a few music videos the other day with my friend, Ken. One video was "Sonny Boy Williamson:Your Funeral and my trial", and another was "Canned Heat - Going up the country".

The Sonny Boy performance was recorded live and was tight. The Canned Heat video was recorded as part of a network television production and the band lip-synched and mimed their performance, the flute player mocking the entire charade.

Ken was commenting on the performances as recorded. The musicians in the Sonny Boy performance were very skilled and professional. The musicians in the Canned Heat video were being smart-asses and were displaying disdain for having to lip-synch and mime their performance.

"And people call this progress," Ken said.

We then got into a bit of our normal word-play, with me saying I didn't believe anybody was calling that progress, though people may call it modernization, or commercialization, or consumerization, or marketing, or whatever, but not progress. Ken replied that we were dickering about semantics, and I accused him of being anti-Semetic, and we drank another beer.

Ken was pointing out that in the span of twenty or thirty years, the actual performances had regressed in quality. I pointed out that the use of lip-synching was because of the network standards and government oversight to prevent broadcasting obscenities. That it would have been possible to record quality performances, but, to satisfy the quest for money, going through the networks garnered the largest audience and reaped the greatest monetary return, but definitely defeated the quest for quality.

The current migration from print to digital content is much the same. Instead of going to the library and having a selection of a few hundred quality books to choose from, we now go to the Internet and have the ability to choose from millions and millions of really shitty blogs.

"And people call this progress."