Sunday, July 28, 2013

Getting organized

Now that I'm back into blogging, I've been visiting more blogs and investigating my old blogs. Apparently I've got a couple of blogs here, and a couple of blogs there, and I kept starting blogs that would reflect a specific aspect of thought, or a specific issue.

So that's what I should, and am going to, create on the menu on the left; instead of a list of "local" blogs, I'm going to list my (active) blogs.

Keeping a blog going is more work than one might think. I was at a critique group last week and I brought up the topic of self-publishing a book, and one member said, "Sure, if you're willing to write a blog, and keep it going, and build a following, then you could go that route …"

From my fractured mind I thought of specialization of labor, and then the contemporary need to write and promote and market and design books, and videos, and websites and everything else under the sun, and that in a way we are returning to older ways where an individual needed to be able to make candles as well as being literate. It is not enough to have ideas, communication is also necessary, and contemporary communication requires vastly more than the capability to speak.

So, that was a long-winded way of saying that my commitment to writing this blog is actually a commitment to keep writing this blog. Plus, it is a commitment to integrating this blog with other aspects of my life. I actually started one blog called "Fractured Realities," though I think that one no longer exists at all.

So, committing to writing this blog is more than even just committing to writing this blog. Me committing to writing this blog is me committing to be a blogger. That means committing to keep writing, and committing to getting a little more organized, and committing to integrate and market my blogs, and to, so to say, build a platform, and so, so much more.

It reminds me of something else I wrote. I was writing about writing, about writing a self-aware story, so to say. And it seemed as though I could write a short paragraph but could then write paragraphs explaining each sentence of the first paragraph. Every sentence written contains volumes of information. A simple sentence like "I'm going to write a blog" actually means a million things.

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